Monday 13 August 2007

When the mojo has gone...scraplift!!!

I firstly need to say thankyou to EM/Sugar Almond from UkScrappers for the inspiration.. her fabtastic J'adore LO can be seen here....

Today I had the urge to scrap so much... had the time.. gawd only knows I've got enough photos and stash.... but it just wasn't happening.. I just couldn't get glue to paper... so I had to do it.. I had to scraplift...

Now I'm hardly likely to submit my LO's for publication, or am setting the scrapping world alight with my genuius new ideas.. and the likelihood of my family and friends( who are the only ones who see my albums really)browsing online galleries and feeling jipped that the LO starring them was a total rip from somebody elses is pretty slim..... SO.. why do I feel like a fraud scraplifting?!? It's not like I wouldn't give credit to the original...but normally it just doesn't feel right, perhaps it's that I feel I'm not doing justice to the original.. I don't know...

Anyway today was different.. I just knew I couldn't get an original idea squeezed outta my own head, so I delved into my faves.. found one that gave me that feeling.. that ..'That's what I wanna create'..kinda feeling.. and set to it, and you know felt kinda relaxing.. a bit like painting by numbers, I just filled in the blank spaces.. I kinda enjoyed it.... It was what I needed today.. I needed to dip my toe back in the scrapping water... which I did.. t'was warm and lovely.. maybe next time I'll be back without without my armbands!!!!

Thursday 2 August 2007


Well just a quick post in case anybody ever reads this!!LOL..
I haven't fallen off the end of the earth.. have just been a busy lil bee again.. ( The groove is on it's way.. I can feel it..) ..
Had a lil family break to the Lakes... beautiful.. can't wait to go again soon... but am eyeing up a new tent as I was getting serious tent envy while we were there.. our sad lil Eurohike looked like a shed compared to theses swish Outwells and Vangos.. yep we were the proper scrubbers of the campsites ROFL!!!! But we had a mega fun time, love so much how we iunteract when we go camping... really makes you bond as a family....
Anyhoo... have now been fag free for 10 days... woo hoo.. and according to my lil calculator I've saved about 19 quid... OMG It so scares me that I was spending so much on smokes.. what a bleeding waste, could have a kit and a new set of stamps each month for the amount I spent .. must remember to treat myself at end of month though.... Last week was easy but this week on nights has been HORRENDOUS.. that's with a capital H, UPPER CASE and Bold.. really really that bad.. So am sat with chewing gum, inhalator and glucose tablets at the ready, surrounded by a gazillion water cups.. Pray for my workmates .. they may not survive the week.. mwwaaaaahhhhhahahahahaah!!!!

Will be back soon with pretty stuff.. I promise.. yeah yeah yadda yadda.. I know you've heard it all before.. but IT IS.. It's on it's way.. listen carefully and you'll hear it.. the groove is a comin, and then life will be settled.. AWesome xxx