Friday 13 July 2007

LOL.. In my mind!!!

Haven't been blogging as haven't had much to say really...I finally found out I'm keeping my position at work which was a huge relief... and since then life has been a blur!!!!!Of Nowt, Sod all and bugger all.. I've had so little energy that I've been doing zip.. bar surf the net and watch trashy tv...I really must get some housework done today.. but what have I done instead.. browse facebook, started by looking at my Bro's photos of oz.. and got sucked into it...WARNING:THAT THERE T'INTERWEB IS BAD FOR YOUR HABITAT HYGIENE!!!! 2 hours later here I am, what do I have to show for it..just this lil meez... LOL it's me in me dreams... couldn't quite work out how to fit a lardy will have to have the sylph like figure of my dreams!!!LOL... Bloomin eck Loose Women's on... my day is disappearing fast... better run round with a duster and pretend to be the perfect housewife!!!

Sunday 1 July 2007

A day out with the family...

Had a lovely day yesterday.. Mam and I took Z man off to Newcastle so he could spend some of his birthday cash that had been burning a hole in his pocket.. We had a little saunter round The Baltic first.. fab fab modern art that I totally don't understand but some of it was fascinating, funny and just quirky... Loved it.. My fave piece ( or whatever you call it!!LOL) was a series of photos taken by the band The Kills which was in the Dazed and Confused exhibition.... just loved it..can't find any pics to show.. actually I loved most of the Freakshow gallery too. that was actually quite thought provoking and was a bit of a tongue poking look at what we see in natural history museums, ooh then there was a really dark, funky exhibit downstairs by Fabien Vershaere and a strangely captivating documentary about ukranian mudbaths!!!??I!!..ooh and the most gorgeous handwriting on the exhibition by Graham Dolphin-album covers and adverts with the teeniest tinest text on them.. Anyway I clould witter on about it all for ages and I would sound pants as I din't kna what I's gannin on aboot! ooh must add they had loads of fab fab Lomo cameras in the gift shop.. after my lil play with that photoshop action I have become quite interested in finding out more about Lomo photography.. love lovin the effect..
Then we went for lunch at the tapas bar I reved about a few weeks ago.. soooooo disappointing.. really naff this time, wish we'd gone to wagamama which was our first suggestion!? But have promised z man we'll do it in the hols...
And the rest of the afternoon was spent with the lil fella kitting himself out with some cool summer togs and yet more dvd's and games!!! Groan.....At least he managed to spend a whole day away from the computer while we were shopping!LOL

Oh and I managed to pick myself up this lovely pair of beauties!!!! 10 squid in the Office could I resist.. darn my inexplicable cherry obsession!!!!